2.18 Why does Voyager take so long to start up/shut down? If Voyager takes a long time to start up on your machine, check the fonts you are using. You can find this information in the Fonts panel of the Settings Window. If any of the fonts are CompuGraphic, they will add a considerable amount of time to the length of Voyager's startup. CompuGraphic fonts (such as CGTimes, CGTriumvirate, and LetterGothic) have to be calculated every time they are used, and these calculations can take a long time if you have a slower Amiga (it's not even very snappy on a 50MHz '060). The solution is to either switch to bitmap fonts or create bitmaps of the sizes of CG fonts Voyager uses. Fountain or Intellifont (one of which you will find in the "System" drawer on your Workbench disk: Fountain for OS2 and Intellifont for OS3) can generate bitmap versions of CompuGraphic fonts. Once you've done this, you will notice a considerable speed increase when Voyager starts up. Shutdown is, however, a different matter. When Voyager shuts down, it performs an update of the cache file "URL-History.x" -- this file contains history information about every URL you have visited. In the General settings panel of the Settings Window there is a field which is marked "Followed links expire after xx days", where xx is a string gadget you can change. If you leave your cache on disk, this file can grow quite large if the expiry length is long (the default is a month and in that time the URL-history file can grow to several megabytes). If this file grows too large, it can take a long time to update when Voyager quits. Also, if you keep your cache on a small partition, writes can take a long time when the parition is nearly full. It's a good idea to format the cache partition periodically.